Our Vision

Our Core Values

Representation and Diversity

We believe everyone deserves to see themselves and their culture represented in media, and are dedicated to introducing a broad range of cultures and perspectives to wide audiences. Our stories and our team reflect diverse values that are respectful of all perspectives, across race, religion, gender and sexuality.

Aestheticism and Artistic Integrity

We believe in artists' right to support and facilitate their dreams through their work. An artist's tool of choice might be a pen, a brush, a computer, a musical instrument or even a voice, and at TOKYOPOP we are dedicated to encouraging the inner artist in everyone.

The Power of Positive Storytelling

Without passion, art is without a soul. And without positivity, the world is a hate-filled, ugly place. While we believe all emotions are valid and expressions of such feelings can be vitally important, ultimately we believe we can change the world through meaningful — and positive — storytelling.